Personal Services and Coaching

My name is Shruti Vashist. I AM an Ascension Guide. I was born in New Delhi, India on 9th October 1984. Since childhood my life took me to many different countries and I have lived for several years each in London, Kuwait, Hong Kong and Croatia. I currently live and serve in San Francisco!

My journey of assisting with Ascension goes far beyond this single lifetime. Yet in this lifetime I have been helping others to attune to their own inner knowing and the embodiment of their I AM Presence. I show the Way by living the example. 

In my services, I AM a channel for Spirit. And work closely with my Light Family– the Great White Brotherhood, a group collective of Crystalline Light Beings serving the Creation Plan. 

The guidance that comes through in all my services are codes that will activate you at the DNA level, into your own inner knowing. Into the embodiment of your God-Self. I have quite a casual style in my sharing as I know that Self Mastery is about being Grounded and loving all the aspects that being in a physical body brings!

If you are into astrology, I AM a Libra Sun, Aries Moon and Cancer Rising. My Venus is in Scorpio, so I naturally love all things related to the occult and am a deep lover of life and people! If you would like to take your Self Mastery process to the next level with me, you can scroll down to see the different services I offer. I have channeled messages, as well as single Skype sessions, as well as more involved training programs. Scroll down this page to read about all four of these that I currently offer. 
I look forward to interacting personally with you! 

Feedback is welcome! Please note that any feedback I receive may be shared for the promotion of my services. 
If you would like to leave a testimonial, please send me an email 

Magical Messages of Manifestation for 2020: 

What does 2020 look like for your personal growth? What magical surprises lie ahead? What will you be manifesting? And what messages does the Universe want to deliver to you specifically?

In this light-hearted, magical reading, you will get three typed messages for your year ahead. This reading is at a special discounted price for a while only! 

How to order

(3 messages with card pictures, $66)

After you make your payment, 
don't forget to send me an email on so I know on which email to send you your reading. You should hear from me within a day. 

1. Single Skype Session: 

Live Skype session with me. 

These live video sessions with me are ideal for deeper Self Mastery. The exchange that happens between you and I is within the frequency of Divine Love, a fifth dimension and beyond exchange. 

As lofty as these terms sound, you may be surprised to find that my style is quite casual and practical. As I know that Self Mastery is a very Grounded process! 

In this session, we address any questions, issues or desires you may have regarding life and coming into your Self Mastery and see what follows. Often a question or issue we want guidance on, turns out to be a gateway into something larger that wants to open up. 

Whatever unfolds in the session, the core focus is always on Grounded Self Mastery and coming deeper into our God Self or I AM Presence. 

(Skype is free and can be easily downloaded on the internet!)  

How to order

(60 minute skype session, $136)

After you make your payment,
don't forget to send me an email on so I can reply to your email to co-ordinate a suitable time for us to do the session.

2. Channeled Self Mastery Messages:

This reading is for up to 2 questions you may have that you want Spirit guidance on. You will receive guidance on those along with detailed information on whatever else your Ascension guides want you to know for your Ascension Path. 

These messages always contain focussed Light Codes which trigger our Core and ground us in the Simplicity and Grace of our Essence, if we so choose. These messages also convey where we are on our Light Embodiment path of grounding our Higher Self. And what Spirit wants you to know most to trigger the deepest embodiment in the NOW. These Self Mastery codes when embraced can shift our vibration for months to come. When we act upon them, they also cause upgrades in a very physical and tangible way in our life. 

If there are any Light Beings that wish to work with you personally on your Ascension process and have a message, this may come through in this reading as well. 

How to order

(30 minute voice recording sent via email, $66) 

The recording will be sent via email, along with any images of oracle cards or anything else I use. After you make your payment, don't forget to send me an email on with your questions. I will get back to you with what to expect as soon as I see the order, usually within 24 hours. 

3. Inner Child Work Program

Inner Child Healing is the crux of Self Mastery. When any person embarks on the journey of Self Mastery, a lot of what was suppressed all our lives comes up. Even though it feels vulnerable, this is the Perfect time to go in deep to transform the old into new DNA! I will be with you holding your hand through it within the space of Divine Love. These sessions go deep into our Cellular levels to revisit situations that we are still choosing to be stuck in. Be it unpleasant experiences from childhood we are still playing out in adult life, limiting patterns we are still choosing or any disease we are experiencing in the body. We go straight to the core and merge the vulnerable child in us who is still experiencing past timelines. We help it merge into the JOY of the NOW.

These sessions are the most in-depth timeline healing/wholling that I offer out of all my services. I AM truly passionate about this one as I feel deep inner work is often ignored for the more light-focussed practices. Sometimes we can neglect what we most need to face within Love. This is why this is a three session program commitment that you make to yourself and to me. You work closely with me as we monitor your progress between sessions and adapt the next one accordingly. My work is not just about meditations. And you should be walking away with a clear, Grounded knowing of what you need to choose in your physical life for your highest growth and empowerment. 

If you are truly devoted to Self Mastery and to following up these sessions with those small, Grounded, very do-able physical steps in your life, you should see potent changes.

How to order: 

($280 for 3 session program, 60 mins each session, plus much more!) 

(Skype is free and can be easily downloaded on the internet!)  

After you make the the payment, don't forget to send me an email on so I know where to contact you. I will be in touch with you to schedule three sessions, two or more weeks apart from each other.

4. New Ascended Mastery Training 

There is nothing I AM more interested in than working with those who truly want to go all the way in! That's why I AM now offering this set of 8 discounted personal sessions with me (60 mins each session), for those who are truly interested in speeding up their process of Ascension through personal coaching and counselling. We will be working with any concerns you may have, or simply see what is needed for your progress on the Enlightenment path. The focus of this program is remembering our inner White Flame and activating Galactic Service on the planet. The paragraphs below explain this further. 
This is intended as a two month period where we Skype every week and work together in a very involved manner. Each session will be tailor made for your needs with before and after discussions of your concerns, and of our progress. There will be 'homework' or tasks between sessions as well, so that what you activate and work on at a Spiritual or DNA level is made Conscious in your physical life as well in 'normal' everyday situations. 

This training program ensures lots of personal time with me, a certain level of focus and discipline to Ascension, an accountability and Spiritual routine that is set up for you, and is very specific and unique for your needs. 


I work with both the SHADOW aspect of Spirituality, which is the Inner Child healing process of going deep into any patterns from your deep past that need to be seen and released, as well the LIGHT aspect which involves your connection to your own I AM Presence (your inner Guru), attunement to and building a relationship to your Angelic Guides (your personal helpers along the Spiritual path) and access to your Multi-dimensional abilities, inner Genius, Creativity and insight into your unique Spiritual mission and contribution to the planet. So that you can live as the New Ascended Master that all Humans have the potential to be. Spirit shared with me recently that more on the Path are ready to receive the gift of the White Flame. This is the most core part of us through which we always exist as an Eternal spark in Source. When we truly Re-Member ourselves as it, we have access to both the very core blueprint like a seed or acorn is, as well as to all our multi-dimensional abilities, like the tree and the branches that come out of it! In this program, the main focus will be the Remembrance and attunement of Service to that level.    

In this New Golden Age, Earth is becoming the melting pot of various Star lineages. So New Ascended Masters are not just mastering the human body but also bringing through and living our gifts from Galactic levels. This is what I specialise in, and can help you with. No matter what your level on the Ascension Path, this program aims to help you accelerate it to the next level. 

Being involved regularly over a period of two months will help connect you to all those aspects within yourself, to the degree that you are ready and open. I hope to also be the encouraging Guide that helps you ease your way into fully Surrendering. So that during and long after our time together you are empowered to work with these parts of yourself on your own as well. 

This training is especially great if you know yourself to be on the path of Service and are ready to activate that to the highest degree. I believe Spirituality and Service in this New Golden Age is about more than just dedication to Spiritual practices that work for everyone like Yoga. It is about bringing through your UNIQUE and very SPECIFIC multi-dimensional gifts on the planet by activating the frequency of Service to Divine Will. Self Mastery cannot be forced, so if you feel in your heart you are ready to Surrender to Service beyond any self imposed limitations, then this training is for you!   


NOW $420 for 8 session program, each session is 60 mins, plus much more!

Orders are through Paypal only at the moment. (Signups for Paypal are easy and free).  

Click here to order 8 session training program
After you order, don't forget to send me an email on so I know where to contact you. After I receive an order you should hear back from me within 1-2 days. 


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